The process

J&TG’s unique working process is set up to bring digital experiences to life. It guarantees informed, smart decision making and complements our clients’ brand or marketing endeavours.

Observe & Explore

In this phase, the team sets out to define the challenge from a comprehensive list of research, strategy and discoveries typically gathered from our strategic workshop Immersive.

Chart & Construct

From each idea, prototypes start to materialize — working models which give us an immediate opportunity to see how various ideas or executions may play out around all the content and information gathered so far.

Design & Build

The J&TG team brings all the insight gathered to date, as well as their extensive experience to inform how the design and build will shape up, across every touchpoint.

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Test & Iterate

Now it’s time to put all that great work into practice. To stress test, and run rigorous evaluation over all the ideas.


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